Well Logging and Geophysics

Main Tasks


  • Magnetic susceptibility logging;
  • Magnetic susceptibility logging;
  • Induced polarization logging;
  • Electric logging;
  • Gamma logging;
  • Inclinometry;
  • Cavernometry.


Both for field research and for the subsequent processing and interpretation of electrical exploration data, the company GEOKEN SPC uses innovative technologies. Modern high-tech equipment allows you to perform accurate measurements with a large number of methods. A trained team of experienced professionals performs work in the shortest possible time and at a high level of quality.

Key Projects

  • 2023-2024. Performance of geophysical surveys by acoustic televiewer in wells of Novoleninogorskoye field in East-Kazakhstan region;
  • 2023 Performing borehole electrical exploration works by MPP method within Revnyushinskaya area, Sazhayevskiy study, East Kazakhstan region;
  • 2023 Research of borehole modification of the transient method within the geological allotment of Shubinskaya area, Prirazlomniy, East-Kazakhstan region;
  • 2023 Performance of geophysical research of wells by the method of transient processes on Sakmarikhinsko-Chernoubinskaya area, Sputnik account, East Kazakhstan region;
  • 2023 Performance of complex logging and inclinometry using gyroscopic inclinometer in the process of directional drilling of wells within the mining allotment of Vasilkovskoye field, Akmola region;
  • 2022 Geophysical well survey on the object: “Regional geological study of the subsoil of the Leontiev depression for hydrocarbons by a complex of non-seismic methods, including electro-magnetic exploration (Turkestan oblast)”;
  • 2019-2020. Electrical exploration TDM with Crone Pulse EM equipment (surface and well surveys) in Shubinskaya, Maleevskaya areas, etc;
  • 2018. The TDM electrical survey with the Crone Pulse EM equipment (surface and well studies);

for more information please contact GEOKEN experts