GEOKEN company performs magnetic exploration. Together with gravity prospecting and seismic prospecting, magnetic exploration is used for geotectonic zoning, mapping of regional structures such as regional intermountain troughs, anticlinoria and, synclinoria, fault zones, arches and hollows of the crystalline basement. In addition, magnetic exploration is used to assess the physical properties, composition, and structure of the foundation, mapping oil and gas structures, areas of salt-dome tectonics and other tasks.

High-precision detailed surveys are also used in archeology to detect walls, foundations, ditches, channels, foci and other objects magnetized under conditions of exposure to temperature.
Main Tasks
- Magnetometric survey using UAV;
- Aeromagnetic survey and gradiometric survey;
- Marine magnetometric survey;
- Ground magnetometric survey;
- Search UXO (search for unexploded ordnance);
- Study of archaeological sites;
- Creation of an array of digital data of the magnetic field, etc.
Magnetometric Surveying Using UAV
For the first time in Kazakhstan, SPC GEOKEN performed pilot aeromagnetic studies using UAVs. More than 7,000 line kilometers of filming routes have been worked out in the East Kazakhstan, Karaganda and Aktobe regions. For a volumetric study of the magnetic field, a low-altitude aeromagnetic survey was performed. UAV-assisted magnetometric survey is a modern method for studying territories. The method combines the advantages of terrestrial survey in terms of detail and aeromagnetic survey in terms of the speed of obtaining results. High measurement accuracy ensures the quality of the result. Unmanned aerial systems DJI MATRICE 300 RTK and GEOSCAN 401 are used to perform magnetometric surveys. Aeromagnetic reconnaissance
Aeromagnetic Survey
Aeromagnetic surveys are carried out with the help of airplanes, helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), on which they mainly install proton, ferroprobe, less often quantum automatic magnetometers and magnetic gradionetrometers. To exclude or significantly reduce the influence of the carrier magnetic field on the instrument reading, the sensitive element is in lead-in cable in the remote gondola or mounted on a long remote rod. The flyings are conducted at the speed of 100-250 km/h at the permanent height of 50-200 m or with a flow of the terrain relief. Due to the high performance of aeromagnetic works, they are used to investigate the magnetic field of large land areas and water areas.
Marine Magnetometric Survey
Hydromagnetic surveys are carried out both on special hydrographic vessels, and incidentally on vessels of any tonnage, as well as on remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The effect of the metal hull and other magnetic interference is dramatically reduced due to the fact that the sensor is being towed at a large (over 100 m) distance from the vessel in a special gondola. The great autonomy of navigation in any motion direction, measurements of the magnetic field at small and large (5-25 knots) ship speeds contributed to the magnetic survey of large oceans and seas areas.
Ground-Based Magnetometric Survey
As a rule, a ground-based, a pedestrian magnetic survey is carried out using portable magnetometers. It is distinguished by rather high productivity: depending on the detail and the terrain category, a group of two people works out from several tens to two hundred observation points for a shift.
ПWhen studying relatively small areas (tens to first hundred of square km), the cost of one running kilometer of surveying increases dramatically due to the high share of equipment and aircraft rental costs, mobilization/demobilization, large unproductive fly-ins from the basing site to the shooting site, etc. As a result, the area is investigated by magnetometry in a pedestrian version with minimally acceptable detail.
Search for Unexploded Ordnance
This type of research is carried out in the places of the intended burial of unexploded ordnance (shells, mines, etc.) on the land, sea and in the transit zone. The method is based on measuring the magnetic field gradient or electromagnetic field from the alleged objects buried by earth or precipitation. As a result of the survey, the location and interpretation of the proposed objects, as well as recommendations for the further study of the objects, are obtained.
The SPC GEOKEN company has a large base of modern equipment and advanced software systems necessary for performing magnetic exploration on land, at sea, and in the air. Highly qualified specialists of the Company have considerable experience in performing a full range of magnetic prospecting works and constantly improve their professional knowledge and skills.
Key Projects
- 2023 Aeromagnetic survey in the Aigyrzhal, Central Aktogay, Soran, Tomar areas in Karaganda Region;
- 2023 Aeromagnetic survey of Bakai and Uimola South in Aktobe Region;
- 2022 Complex airborne geophysical works in the Mangystau, Mayatas areas, Kostanay and Ulytau oblasts and in 5 areas of the North Pribalkhash in the Karagandy oblast;
- 2021-2022 Airborne magnetic survey at Stepnoy, Ekidos, Norgubek, Akkuduk, Maysor and Elemes sites of Maikuben area in Pavlodar oblast;
- 2021 Aeromagnetic survey of the area of the Leontief depression;
- 2021 UAV-assisted magnetometric studies in the Kundyzda and Berchogur ore districts;
- 2020 Aeromagnetic survey in the Shu-Sarysu sedimentary basin;
- 2019 Aeromagnetic survey using UAVs of the Eginbulak, Abulkhair, Keregetas areas within the Akbastau area;
- 2019 Aeromagnetic survey using UAVs of search areas in the Kokshetau area;
- 2018 Magnetometric studies of the Career site;
- 2018 Magnetometric studies using UAVs in Kokshetau site;
- Magnetometric studies using UAVs at the Jumba site;
- Aeromagnetic operations using UAVs in the Barkhannoe and Dzhumba site;
- Magnetic prospecting of Emba and Alisher sites;
- Magnetic prospecting of the East Zhairem deposit;
- Magnetic exploration of the Reef, Ushkatyn-1, Almaly sites;
- Magnetic prospecting in the Soldatovo-1, Kogadyr and Gagarin sections;
- Magnetic exploration of the Uzunzhal deposit;
- 2014-2015 Magnetic prospecting as part of a complex aerogeophysical survey for ASE -200;
- 2011-2012 Aeromagnetic survey of the cis-Caspian depression;
- 2010-2011 Marine magnetic prospecting of the Caspian Sea;
- 2009-2012 Processing and interpretation of magnetometric materials for sedimentary basins of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2006-2009 Magnetometric work at the archaeological excavations of Otrar ancient city;
- Magnetic prospecting of Alibek East site.