Increasing demands on the effectiveness of geological and geophysical information management imply the continuous improvement of information support systems. A prerequisite for this is an increased level of computing and information technology. Practice shows that only a geographic information system (GIS), designed to provide reliable information about the spatial position of objects and their form in diagrams, tables, and numerical thematic maps, can effectively cope with the assigned task.
GEOKEN provides the following range of services for enterprises that are interested in organizing and digitizing the accumulated volumes of paper maps, as well as in converting the available spatial data into a single information system.
Main Tasks
- Processing and creating spatial data;
- Collection, digitization, and processing of thematic data;
- Creation of electronic cartographic databases and compilation of thematic maps;
- GIS support for geological and geophysical studies.
Key Projects
- 2023-2024. Compilation of gravimetric basis for determination of the geoid model;
- 2023 Preparation of gravimetric data base on sheets L-44-XII, L-45-VII, VIII;
- 2023 Preparation of digital gravimetric and aeromagnetic data for the areas of Ashysay, Karagay, Saryniyaz with partial overlapping of the territories of blocks A and E and their processing;
- 2023 Preparation of digital gravimetric data sets for the Western and Eastern sections in the Aral sedimentary basin;
- 2023 Creation of GIS-project of thematic maps (geological, geophysical, geochemical maps) for the Tasadyr area (138 blocks);
- 2017. GIS support of ground geophysical works at the Korgantas and Balkhash-Saryshagan sites;
- 2003-2017. GIS support of marine geophysical and hydrographic surveys, navigation, and geodetic work at the Kashagan and Kalamkas sea fields, etc.;
- 2017.GIS support of aerogeophysical research at the Balkhash-Saryshagan site;
- 2017.GIS support of aerogeophysical research on promising geological areas of India;
- 2008-2016. GIS support of an annual bathymetric survey at the Kashagan field;
- 2016 GIS support of bathymetric survey around islands and structures at the Kashagan field with MSS KB-1;
- 2013-2015. GIS support of pipelines and cables inspection at Kashagan field;
- 2016–2017. Creation of a digital forecasting and exploration base and development of an effective set of methods to search for stratiform deposits of the SEDEX type overlapped with Pb-Zn within the Zhailminskaya mold (Karaganda region);
- Processing and creation of spatial data, compiling thematic maps for the project: Comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical materials of past years to formulate the geological exploration works in order to increase the resource base in the Karazhanbas area;
- 2016. GIS support for geophysical research on the project: Performance of a complex aero geophysical works and interpretation of obtained data on Vasilkovskaya area;
- 2015. Processing and creation of spatial data on the project Preparation of digital models of structural horizons of the Amangeldy field and its adjacent territory;
- 2014-2015. GIS support of geophysical research and compilation of thematic maps for the project: Conducting advanced airborne geophysical surveys in accordance with OTP-200;
- 2014. GIS support of marine geophysical surveys and surveying of the seabed along the Kalamkas-Kultai pipeline route.