Cooperation of SPC GEOKEN with the leading higher education institutions of the CIS within the framework of employees’ professional development.

Employees of SPC GEOKEN successfully complete programs of training:

  • in master degree MSc;
  • in МBA;
  • take scientific-research training within studying in Ph.D. doctoral studies;
  • graduate bachelor degrees in the Wuhan University (China), University Dundee (Scotland), the Heriot-Watt University (Great Britain), Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), the KIMEP University (Kazakhstan), the KBTU University (Kazakhstan), Nazarbaev University (Kazakhstan), Kaspian University and others.

Cooperation of SPC GEOKEN with higher education institutions of the CIS in the framework of granting places provision of places for practical training.

SPC GEOKEN provides an opportunity for students of universities in CIS in the form of providing places for practical training to demonstrate their potential and level of knowledge. Students-trainees have an opportunity not only participate in various geophysical, aero and marine surveys but also to be familiarized with the techniques of processing and interpreting data using advanced software systems owned by SPC GEOKEN.

Professional development of young specialists

СMiddle age of staff in SPC GEOKEN — 30 years. Young employees are graduates of a master degree and Ph.D. students of the leading higher education institutions of the country. Total of articles issued in scientific publications including with various index of quoting (impact-factor) in the last two years – 26.